Application CodeData Property in Access - learnit

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Sunday, April 25, 2021

Application CodeData Property in Access

Application CodeData Property in Access

Application CodeData Property in Access

What is Access

Access, in the context of security, is the privilege or assigned permission to use computer data or resources in some manner. For instance, a user may be allowed read access to a file, but will not be allowed to edit or delete it.

Access is also the amount of admittance allowed to any given entity; or, it can simply mean the permission for admittance.

Access is important in maintaining security in computer systems. It restricts the use and distribution of information, settings and the general use of a system.



CodeData have is below






6) AllViews

1)The AllDatabaseDiagrams property to reference the AllDatabaseDiagrams collection and its related properties.Readonly AllDatabaseDiagrams object

2)The AllFunctions property to reference the AllFunctions collection and its related properties.Readonly AllFunctions object

3)The AllQueries property to reference the AllQueries collection and its related properties.Readonly AllQueries object.

4)The AllStoreProcedures property to reference the AllStoreProcedures collection and its related properties.Readonly AllStoreProcedures object.

5)The AllTables collection contains an AccessObject for each table in the CurrentData or CodeData object.

6)The AllViews collection contains an AccessObject for each table in the CurrentData or CodeData object.


Private sub cmdCodeData_Click()
dim item as object
For Each item In Application.CodeData.AllTables
Debug.Print "Table : " item.Name
End Sub

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